From the bustling streets of London to the serene lands of Galicia we have transformed our lives in the most extraordinary way. On a journey spanning from the Swiss Alps to Saudi Arabia, we have found our special corner in a village in Cotobade.

My story, as a nutritional therapist, intertwines with Ben's, an accomplished chef, since our paths crossed amidst the vibrant culinary scene of Switzerland, where our shared passion for food and wellness ignited a journey of collaboration and love. Together, with our daughters Isabella Rose and Mathilde May, we explored the world, from Mallorca to Saudi Arabia and Monaco, always following the call of adventure.

After living in glamorous and exotic locations, Ben and I heard the whisper of vital north in Galicia. After exploring the region, we discovered Pontevedra, a place that had it all: the nearby sea, dazzling nature, vibrant cities, and, most importantly, incredibly friendly people.

In April of this year, Ben and I acquired O Bergando, a rural retreat that we transformed into a haven of peace. Far from being a five-star hotel, it's a place to slow down, merging the experiences of the places we love. Surrounded by animals and nature, we dream of acquiring ruins to rehabilitate and learn to live with what nature provides.

In addition to O Bergando, we are the mentors behind, offering nutrition, training, and healthy catering services. Our philosophy is simple:

Help people be the best version of themselves, enjoying life without restrictions.

With each day in Galicia, Ben and I grow alongside our projects. From planning philosophy-infused breakfasts to conducting nature retreats, we are committed to our vision of a balanced and healthy life. "We learn on the go," we say, as Galicia becomes the stage for our next great adventure.